A sandwich with cucumber and cheese topping can provide several health benefits depending on its specific ingredients. Here are some potential benefits:

  1. Vitamins and minerals: Cucumber is a good source of vitamin K, which supports bone health, as well as vitamin C, which helps maintain skin health and supports the immune system. Cheese provides calcium, which is essential for healthy bones and teeth.
  2. Hydration: Cucumber has a high water content, which can help keep you hydrated throughout the day.
  3. Fiber: Whole grain bread (which could be used as the base for the sandwich) contains fiber, which promotes digestive health and can help you feel full for longer periods of time.
  4. Protein: Cheese contains protein, which is important for building and repairing tissues in the body.
  5. Low calorie option: Depending on the types and amounts of ingredients used, a cucumber and cheese sandwich can be a relatively low calorie meal option, which may support weight loss or maintenance goals.

Sandwich with Cucumber & Cheese Topping

Prep Time 15 minutes
Servings 2 people
Calories 500 kcal


  • Toaster or toaster oven
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Optional vegetable peeler (if you prefer to peel your cucumbers)


  • 2 slices whole grain bread
  • 2-3 slices cucumber
  • 1-2 slices cheese (cheddar or Swiss work well)
  • Optional lettuce leaves, sliced tomato, mustard or mayo


  1. Toast the bread to your preference.
  2. Layer the cucumber slices on one slice of bread.
  3. Add the cheese slices on top of the cucumbers.
  4. If desired, add lettuce leaves and/or sliced tomato on top of the cheese.
  5. Spread mustard or mayo on the other slice of bread, if desired.
  6. Place the second slice of bread on top of the fillings to create a sandwich.
  7. Cut the sandwich in half and serve immediately.
Enjoy your delicious and healthy sandwich with cucumber and cheese topping!

This sandwich with cucumber and cheese topping is a quick and easy meal to prepare. The preparation time should be around 5-10 minutes, depending on how fast you can slice the cucumbers and cheese.
Toasting the bread will take an additional 2-3 minutes, but it may vary depending on your toaster or toaster oven. Overall, you should be able to make this sandwich in under 15 minutes, making it a perfect option for a quick lunch or snack.

The total calories in a sandwich with cucumber and cheese topping will depend on the specific types and amounts of ingredients used. Here is an estimate based on a basic recipe using 2 slices of whole grain bread, 2-3 slices of cucumber, and 1-2 slices of cheddar cheese:
  • Whole grain bread (2 slices): 200-250 calories
  • Cucumber (2-3 slices): 5-10 calories
  • Cheddar cheese (1-2 slices): 120-240 calories
This brings the total calorie count to around 325-500 calories, depending on the amount of cheese and bread used. Adding lettuce, tomato, mustard, or mayo will add additional calories.
Keep in mind that these are estimates and the actual calorie count may vary based on the specific brands and types of ingredients used.

This recipe is for a single sandwich with cucumber and cheese topping. However, you can easily adjust the amounts of ingredients to make more sandwiches if needed.
For example, if you are making sandwiches for two people, simply double the ingredients:
  • 4 slices of whole grain bread
  • 4-6 slices of cucumber
  • 2-4 slices of cheddar cheese
If you are making sandwiches for four people, you will need to multiply the ingredients by four:
  • 8 slices of whole grain bread
  • 8-12 slices of cucumber
  • 4-8 slices of cheddar cheese
And so on. Adjust the amounts of ingredients as needed to accommodate the number of people you are serving.

The total cost of a sandwich with cucumber and cheese topping will depend on the cost of the specific ingredients used and may vary depending on your location. However, here is an estimate based on average prices in the United States, assuming you have some basic pantry staples such as oil or butter:
  • Whole grain bread (2 slices): $0.50 - $1.00
  • Cucumber (2-3 slices): $0.25 - $0.50
  • Cheddar cheese (1-2 slices): $0.75 - $1.50
This brings the total cost to around $1.50 - $3.00 per sandwich, again depending on the specific brands and types of ingredients used.
Adding lettuce, tomato, mustard, or mayo may increase the total cost slightly, but these ingredients are typically affordable as well.